Alas poor Wu Shi, we knew him well… Still, being punched so hard your spinal column comes out of your neck is a pretty hardcore way to go.  This whole thing made me think of my old Mortal Combat days.  I loved playing Scopion, but it took me forever to get his finishing move down.  I have to say though, my favorite finishing move happened when it went to 3D.  I was watching as Sub Zero pulled a guys Leg off and beat him to death with it.  Funniest thing I’ve seen.

For those who do not know, I have launched this comic on Tapastic as well.  It’s been a nice experience but has no way detracted from my fun here on my home site.  It’ll be awhile before the Tapastic book is up to date with my home site as it were.  So if you are coming from Tapastic because you can’t wait to finish reading what happens next, you can start on page 5.

To everyone, 2016 was a rough year for a lot of people.  I’m not talking about Celebrity deaths (which sucked), or the loss of any particular political party (and the health insurance many can’t rely on anymore).  The news, images and videos out of Aleppo have been nothing short of grisly, heartwrenching, and makes me doubt the goodness of man.   But for me personally, The adoption of my son, the long awaited release of this Comic(and listening as you guys read it), and the improved health of loved ones.  There have been amazing things happening for me as well.  I hope you and yours are doing well, and that your 2017 is filled with the cheer and stability we all are hoping for.

Happy New Year