Sorry for the abnormally long pause in the story.  I’ve been seriously busy with many things.  Not least of which is taking care of a two year old boy who loves trains… and doing things he’s not supposed to.  Of course being a father is the most rewarding thing I can think of, but second is creating your own Kung Fu Zombie comic.  With Clark going to school, I should be getting some more time to work on this book and other endeavors.  I’ve also been picking up on the paid work front, trying to make as much money before the Government decides I can’t write off things for my business anymore.  In anycase I got some graphics work on the Bring It Holiday Special on Lifetime.  It’s airing on the Friday the 22nd and it marks the first time my wife and I got to work on the same project.  We’re still trying to recover from the ordeal.  😉  Not that it was a bad experience but with a sick two year old we had to take turns handing off, so one could work while the other babysat, was grinding to say the least.  😉  So between that and some other smaller projects I’ve been keeping busy, but I’ve already started for the next series of pages.

Thank you everyone for checking in, I love doing this book and I hope to be able to do it more consistently now with more and more of Clark’s schooling and more and more better paying gigs popping up.  Thank you all again.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Merry Hogswatch, Happy Life Day, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays to whatever brings you joy this season,

-Matt Filer