So that’s it.  Issue 1 in all it’s glory.  I want to send a special thanks out to everyone who pledged my Patreon account.  Your support means a lot to me.  Also everyone who took the time to ready this Comic.  Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.  I have lots more fun adventures planned and on the way.  Unfortunately as I posted earlier, between life and new baby I’ve been running out of my buffer to keep this book coming out on time.  So I’m going to need to but the book on Hiatus a couple months.  Luckily that time is not now.  I did an epilogue I think you all will find very entertaining.  That will end on March 21st and I will be picking back up on June 6th.  However that does not mean I will not be posting to the site during those weeks.  I have How to Videos that will be going up as will sketches of Old characters and sneak peaks at what I’m working on now.  I’ve bought a Cintinq and am using now to ink my new pages.  It’s quite awesome and I think I’m finding ways to use it and Manga Studio to increase my speed.

So check in next week for the Epilogue and find out how the villainous half lives.